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Chequamegon School Forests

Tracy Lake in Winter pic
Chequamegon Tracy Lake School Forest; Park Falls 
Chequamegon North Campus school forest picture
Chequamegon North Campus School Forest; Glidden

Chequamegon School District has approximately 709 acres of school forest land that is spread across seven properties in Ashland, Iron, and Price Counties.  This provides the District with diverse ecosystems, forest types, and habitats.  The school forest at Tracy Lake is the largest (over 300 acres) and provides an extensive network of trails and biodiversity.  There is also forest land located at Chequamegon South Campus in Park Falls and at the Chequamegon North Campus in Glidden.  You will find directions to the forests on this website.   
Hiking, snowshoeing, wildlife observation, and many other activities are possible in the forests. Students and staff utilize the forest properties for a variety of educational activities, studies on ruffed grouse, removal of invasive species, and snowshoeing.  School forest property is generally open to the public if there is not a school or rental group utilizing the grounds.   Several of the forest properties are also open to hunting; however, the forests directly attached to the South and North Campuses are not open for hunting.  Policies specific to hunting are published on this website.  Additionally, the school forest properties are actively managed forests, and visitors should not be surprised to occasionally see active logging.


Locations & Trail Maps

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