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Facilities Use Form



CSD Building Use Form
Please select one of the following:required
Type of Group Description Obligation
District District sponsored organization -District insurance applies
Non-Profit: Community/School Non-profit, volunteer, and associated with district youth, or resident, non-profit groups associated with education or athletics -Insurance required
-Fees for custodial services ($30/hour)
-Other expenses (lifeguard, food service, technology, etc.)
-No rental fees
For-Profit or Non-Resident Resident for-profit, non-resident non-profit, or non-resident for-profit -Insurance required
-Fees for custodial services ($30/hour)
-Other expenses (lifeguard, food service, technology, etc.)
-Rental fees may apply (TBD by District Administrator)


Supervisor in Charge:required
First Name
Last Name
Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format
Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format
Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format
  • Requests for District-owned equipment are not included in the direct or indirect costs and shall be charged based on request and type of equipment. 

  • Each group requesting the use of district facilities may be required to use the services of a District custodian and may pay for such services.

  • Any individuals receiving keys for building access on weekends will return the keys by the following business day.

We require use of the following and understand there is a charge for such use:

* * * * * * * * * * 

It is understood that School District activities have preference over outside activities in using the school buildings and this request is subject to cancellation if the requested facility is needed for a school activity.


If this permission is granted, we agree to be responsible for any accidents or injuries sustained by any person attending or participating in the program or activity for which we may use the above- mentioned school facilities, and to be responsible for replacement in case of any damage or loss 


incurred. Further, in accordance with State requirements and Board policy, we agree that there shall be no use of tobacco, alcohol, or controlled substances in the school building or facilities.

Terms of Service